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About Us

Your trusted partner
for business

HelmApps is a global company providing IT solutions to large and medium-scale manufacturing companies worldwide. Today we have our IT products deployed and in use in more than 50 factories in 12 countries around the globe. We specialize in building Industry 4.0-centric software and hardware solutions that enable manufacturers to improve productivity and quality


Our fun fact

With locations in Ireland, Germany, Canada, and China, HelmApps serves manufacturing businesses all over the globe as a supplier of IT solutions and Manufacturing execution systems. For manufacturing businesses of all kinds, we are the perfect IT partner.


Factories use our products


Different countries

Why Choose Us

We Have What You Seek

Domain Knowledge: We are a company that is focused on Manufacturing and we greatly value domain knowledge as an essential ingredient in building solutions that deliver value to our customers. We always remain vigilant to emerging technologies and business practices in the manufacturing sector.

Engineering Skills: Another essential ingredient in building effective solutions is strong Engineering skills. Our team of Architects and Designers possess exceptional engineering skills in the area of IT and Applied electronics to be able to design and deliver highly configurable, easy-to-use, cost-effective products and solutions. 

Customers: Our Customer base consists of large Fortune 500 companies across the globe. These customers are best-in-class manufacturers and world leaders in their respective markets. They are extremely demanding when it comes to product quality and service quality. These customers are a testament to our products and services. Further, these customers constantly challenge and inspire us with new ideas and challenges.

HelmApps products and solutions

Our Expertise

Verticals that we serve

Our software is installed and in active use in 52 factories across 14 countries

HelmApps clients list


Our Reputed Worldwide Partners

Embark on your journey
towards digital transformation
with us today

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